Friday, January 30, 2009

"D" Day

Today is January 30, 2009 which translates into "D" Day for project #1. I am so excited, but nervous all at the same time. Anyone else ever had that feeling? :( This food bank experience has been quite an unexpected experience, but a good one. This project has taught me that even though something may seem small or simple that is not always the case. Food bank's have a lot more to accomplish on a day to day basis, not to mention hourly basis, if they want to truely succeed and grow to be a large organization. I learned from the lovely Olive at The Food Bank of the Rockies that things like keeping a record of how much product comes into the food bank and actually how much leaves the food bank is essential. This doesn't just mean food though, it also means that the amount that is thrown away including trash has to be accounted for in order for the #'s to come out correctly, if not your costs will always be off. These types of tasks take a lot of man power and time. I see why they need volunteers now! They can't do it all themselves! I sure wouldn't want to, it's a lot of work!!! Despite all the running around and lifting heavy items (I sure did get my workout on!) it was a fun experience and I met a lot of really great people. Thank you to everyone involved in this project for allowing me to have this opportunity.

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